
tiistai 26. tammikuuta 2016

Happy and healthy pregnancy

Happy and healthy pregnancy

Quick guide to get pregnant

Posted: 25 Jan 2016 02:49 AM PST

Congratulations! So you've decided to take the big step into becoming a parent. While it is one of the most important things a person can do in their life, it is also the most challenging and the first challenge is conceiving. Many people assume that once they stop taking contraception they will immediately conceive. Our bodies are slightly more complicated than that and this guide on how to get pregnant will give you tips on the best methods and the timing to get pregnant.

First things first
The first thing you must do when you make the decision to have a baby is to visit your gynecologist. This is a vital step as you will need a German measles vaccination if you haven't had one already, and to make sure you are receiving enough folic acid to prevent birth defects. The gynecologist will also answer any of your questions and will provide you with further tips on how to get pregnant.

When to do it
The best time is dependent on your ovulation cycle. Your ovulation period lasts six days - the first five days before and leading up to the sixth day in which you ovulate - and it's during this time at which you are most fertile. Your ovulation period is usually midway between your menstrual cycles which for most women is about 14 days before their next period is due. This is usually the best time to get pregnant but if it doesn't work for you, another tip is to wait until days 10 and 18 of your cycle (day 1 as the first day of your period) and have intercourse every other day during this time. This way, intercourse and ovulation are bound to coincide.

At-home ovulation kits
If you want to be more precise and exact, you can purchase an at-home ovulation prediction kit which uses your body temperature to determine whether you are ovulating. It is said that when you are ovulating, your body temperature increases by 0.8 degrees. These kits can give you warning from one to one and a half days in advance as to the best time to get pregnant.

How often?
A frequent concern for those whom want to know how to get pregnant is how often to try. It is a fact that the more frequently a man ejaculates, the lower his sperm count, becomes. So, those who are trying for a baby often have sex every few days to build this sperm count. However, this isn't necessary. Even though the sperm count may be lower, it is still high enough for pregnancy to occur. The best tip is to make love when you want to. Remember that having a baby should be fun too, so try not to focus too much on how often and when. Of course those who are only having intercourse once a week will significantly lessen their chances.

Not working?
If after a month or two you are still not pregnant, don't panic! If you were previously on the pill, it can take some time before your cycle is regularized which can delay the conception. It may also be harder for smokers to get pregnant so if you are a smoker, another tip on how to get pregnant is to decrease or stop smoking. If you are very seriously concerned about your inability to get pregnant and these tips on how to get pregnant have not helped, then you may want to consult a gynecologist.

Remember though that you should take your time and have fun! Don't focus too much on the goal of how to get pregnant and you'll be unexpectedly surprised.

maanantai 25. tammikuuta 2016

Happy and healthy pregnancy

Happy and healthy pregnancy

How to help asthmatic child?

Posted: 24 Jan 2016 08:54 AM PST

The first and most important step to take is to decide to take charge of your child's asthma. Parents of asthmatic children suffer a range of contradictory feelings. Strongest is the natural concern for their child. Are you giving them the best treatment, or is there something you have not thought of or are unaware of? Then there are the doubts about being over or under protective. If they have non-asthmatic siblings do you treat all of your children the same? Perhaps there is some guilt that asthma may have been inherited and it is your fault your child has the condition.

Let's take charge of the situation and dispel this myth straight away. You have not willed it onto your child. It is nobody's fault or a judgement of some sort any more than an inherited ability that makes someone more likely to be good at sports or singing. You can also take charge by educating yourself about the condition. Do not waste time worrying if there are better treatments or medications for your child. Find out. Use the medical profession, library and internet. The best prescription is knowledge.

The next step is to be aware of your child's health. One problem with having an ill child is their inability to clearly explain how they feel. An asthmatic child may not come to you in the middle of the night and mention difficulty breathing, or persistent coughing. Instead they may leave their condition to worsen until their lungs have expanded enough to start pressing on their stomach. At this point they may mention they feel sick.

Some children just take a rest when their breathing becomes difficult and never mention they feel out of breath.

If you suspect your child may have asthma you probably know the classic signs to look for: coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, changes in color of skin, nails, or lips, and a tightness of the chest. But also be aware there are other signs that suggest there may be a problem: nausea, lethargy, and low appetite. Also notice if your child has to hunch forward as they exhale if they are feeling short of breath.

If possible take a look at your child's breathing as they sleep. This will enable you to see how they breathe when they are relaxed. Then you will be able to tell when their breathing becomes labored.

Next, ensure your child takes any inhaled medication properly. Many asthma medications are delivered by inhalers and it is often difficult for a child to understand and perform the necessary sequence of breaths to take these medicines. How long did your child take to learn to blow their nose properly? I know of one child who insisted they were holding their breath while they kept their lips firmly together as they breathed through their nose. Many children feel they cannot hold their breath for the required interval and end up dramatically gasping for air. If your asthmatic child has to take medicines through a metered dose inhaler it is often best to use it with a spacer or aero-chamber.

You need to be prepared for an asthma attack. Know what to do. If your child suffers an asthma attack keep calm and resist the urge to cuddle your child. Though this is perfectly natural it will constrict their chest and make it harder for them to breathe.

If you are driving your child to ER or a physician while they are having an asthma attack you must still buckle them into their child seat. Do not hold your child. Imagine what would happen if there was an accident.

To deal with asthma effectively you have to understand the disease and understand your child. You may be tempted to let your doctor make all the decisions, but there is so much more you can do than just administer medication. You can improve the condition by making changes to the home environment, to your child's diet, to how they breathe, and to the exercise they take. The more you know about asthma the more effectively you can control it.