Hot Topic: Understanding the word 'No' Your baby is beginning to understand the word 'no' - whether he respects and obeys it is another story. Long before he can speak the word himself, your baby will respond to the word 'no' by pausing his activity, looking at the speaker (to read the level of seriousness attached to the word) before deciding whether to ignore the request or to abide by it. You may even find that he shakes his head in response to the word. You may also notice that your baby looks at you for a response when he does something that he expects to hear the word 'no' from you, such as throwing food. It may seem like he thinks it's a game but he'll test your reaction many times before he files away the knowledge that throwing food on the floor doesn't make you happy. Find other ways your baby's speech and language is developing.  Kidspot Tip: Discipline Just as you can't spoil a newborn baby, you also can't discipline a baby. While his behaviour may at times seem wilful and even perverse, trying to discipline your baby at this age is a waste of time and is likely only to upset him (and you). Babies are incapable of understanding the consequences of their actions and so are unable to make the link between the discipline you dole out, and the action or behaviour you're discouraging. Rather than attempting discipline at this age, try distraction instead - while his memory is improving, you'll find that your baby will generally be easily distracted by alternative activities or toys. Read more about baby discipline |
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