
keskiviikko 16. marraskuuta 2011

Truth about fruit & sugar, Why sleep makes kids smart + Enter our messy baby comp!

Kidspot Daily
Thursday 17 November, 2011 Learn | Sleep | Diet



Is fruit as healthy as we think?

We've always sent kids to the fruit bowl for a healthy snack, but here's what mums need to know about fructose. 

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All about scarlet fever

Scarlet fever may sound old-fashioned but here are the symptoms of this serious illness, which still shows up in modern times. 

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Sleep makes kids smart

Proper rest is vital for your child's learning and performance. Here's a sleep plan to really charge his performance.

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Am I in labour?

Here's how to tell if you're going into labour - or if it's just Braxton Hicks.

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