Hot Topic: Learning through everyday activities Your baby doesn't need an endless round of baby gym classes, music enrichment workshops or swimming lessons to be suitably occupied in a learning environment (though if you think he'd enjoy them, go right ahead and do any or all of these things) - in fact, everything he needs to learn in order to understand his world, can be learnt at home with you. Now that he's mobile (or almost!) he'll have a great time sorting through your plastic container cupboard, or tipping all your pegs out of your basket and then putting them back in again. He can discover the outside world while you hang out the washing or when you walk to the shops. He can enjoy music while you bop around together as you make the beds. In fact, every chore you do can be turned into a learning experience for your baby just as long as you involve him, talk to him, encourage him and don't hurry him. Find other ways you can play with your baby  Kidspot Tip: Germs Ever heard the term 'cotton-wool kids'? It's a phrase that describes our modern-day parenting obsession with keeping our kids safe at all times. And when they're very young (and there's no monkey-bars for us to worry about) this anxiety usually extends to germs and the potential illnesses they can cause. We want to keep our kids clean to keep them healthy. But now that she's moving around - and discovering yesterday's toast behind the couch - how much should we worry about germs and dirt making her sick? Experts now agree that exposure to germs will actually help build your baby's immune system, and may even help reduce allergies and asthma; it turns out that a few bugs are actually good for her! So put down those antibacterial wipes - she needs to go play in the dirt for the sake of her health. Discover how you can teach your baby good hygiene habits |
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