Hot Topic: Frustrated baby With everything in your baby's world so tantalisingly close - walking, talking, toddlerhood - don't be surprised if you find your baby suddenly becomes frustrated by her inability to do or communicate what she wants. As your baby approaches her first birthday, she will naturally want to express her own opinions (and she has many!) and try things out for herself, but with her immature speech and fine motor skills holding her back, it's no wonder she gets easily frustrated. Luckily, she's still easy to distract and any tantrums she may have are usually small and over quickly. Although most of what upsets her is a storm in a teacup, be mindful that the best way for her to vent her frustration is to throw things and generally make plenty of angry noise. Read our top tips on dealing with tantrums  Kidspot Tip: Saving your back With your baby moving slowly but surely towards walking, you may be rejoicing - if only because your poor back is finally getting a break from all the heavy lifting that goes with having a baby. But it's still going be some time before you're not carrying a big bundle of baby most places you go. Save your back from additional strain by taking simple measures: - Protect your back by doing gentle exercises each day to maintain your core body strength - pilates-style exercises are perfect
- Make sure you know how to lift safely by bending your knees into a squat rather than bending at the waist
- When your baby wants to be lifted up for a cuddle, perhaps get down onto the floor with him instead and pull him into your lap for a kiss and a hug
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