Hot Topic: Car Seats At some time in the next month or so, you're going to have to move your baby from his capsule or rear-facing car seat to a child restraint that he'll use until he's about four years old. Your baby must be either 8 kg or 70 cm long before he can move into a child restraint (check our car seat safety guide ) - and if you have a long baby you may find yourself having to make the transition before he is sitting comfortably unassisted. Whatever brand you choose, check that your car seat can recline into a position that'll allow your baby to be safe and comfortable, that it has adjustable straps, and that the cover is removable and machine-washable (there'll many years of banana-eating for your car seat to survive!) Find out about hiring and buying child car seats  Kidspot Tip: Car travel with baby If your baby has never been a fan of the capsule, you'll be happy to hear that car trips usually get a whole lot easier (and less stressful) once she's sitting face-forward in a car seat. Not only can she see you, but you can now more easily attend to her as you drive. To avoid the mid-trip melt-downs that are so much a feature of car travel with babies, try to be super organised and anticipate all the possible scenarios that could lead to tears before you get to your destination. Tucking a couple of travel extras into your nappy bag is a great idea including a soft toy, a board book or two, a kid-friendly CD, and an extra wrap or bunny rug to use as an emergency shade cloth. Going on a road trip? Discover the secrets to happy car travel |
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