Hot Topic: Stimulating your baby Long gone are the days when your baby's most active moments were spent looking at a mobile; now that she's looking to engage with the world, you'll need to find new ways to entertain her. Small children love and learn from repetition so when you introduce a new game, be prepared to play it endlessly. Choose ten coloured pegs - try to include pairs of different colours - and put them into a small cloth bag. Sit with your baby and show her how to take them out of the bag and then to put them back in. It will take great concentration of mind and co-ordination to do this trick but as she masters it, you can introduce her to the colours and the pairs. For other great play ideas, read 3-6 months Play
 Kidspot Tip: Positive reinforcement With a small baby in your care, you'll be given all kinds of wonderful parenting advice - some that's right on the money, and some that sounds downright odd. But the one thing everyone agrees on is that to get the best out of your child and to encourage him to tackle new things (and perhaps take a risk or two), you need to give him plenty of positive reinforcement. If you see him behaving or doing something you want to encourage, make sure that he knows it's been noticed, and that you're very pleased with him. Lots of hand-clapping and an excited voice usually gets the message across loud and clear. Read more tips on positive reinforcement and discipline for young children. |
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