Hot Topic: Stranger anxiety Sometime around six months, you may notice that your baby suddenly becomes fearful of strangers - and in your baby's eyes, a stranger can be anyone that he doesn't see daily. A beloved granny or babysitter can suddenly become a person to be feared; needless to say, this new behaviour can be upsetting for all concerned. At this age, your baby's memory is improving so that he can now differentiate between people who are familiar and those who aren't. Experts now think that young children are biologically programmed to be wary of unfamiliar or new experiences to keep them safe. With an improved memory for faces, your baby will be wary of anyone who doesn't seem instantly familiar. Stranger anxiety may well last beyond his first birthday - but will ease with age. Read more about your baby's social and emotional development  Kidspot Tip: Controlled crying These days, controlled crying seems to be squarely out of fashion, but for those of us who struggle with babies who have disastrous sleeping habits (waking every hour or two every night, or always needing to feed before resettling at night), using one of the controlled crying methods may be something to consider. At this age, it is appropriate to use the progressive settling technique - this is where you respond to her crying and offer her comfort while she remains in her cot. Learn more about the progressive settling technique |
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