Hot Topic: Solid food and allergies With a lot of press about the rising incidence of food allergies in our children, it's no wonder many parents feel anxious introducing solid food into their baby's diet. While it is true that food allergies and intolerances are on the rise, you can introduce new foods into your baby's diet in a way and on a timeline that can identify and minimise possible reactions. Until your baby's nine months old, refrain from introducing wheat or soy products - stick instead with iron-fortified rice cereal and low-allergy fruits and vegetables. When you do begin to introduce meat, start with chicken (steam and then shred it), and hold off on dairy products until she's twelve months old. Egg yolks can be introduced after nine months, but, again, wait until she's twelve months before you introduce egg white. Get more information about food allergies  Kidspot Tip: Introducing solids successfully While it's tempting to offer your baby all the sweet foods first - apple and pear are popular first choices - try to stay away from them in the early days. Often babies who have been introduced to sugary foods early on reject the less sweet tastes of vegetables such as potato, carrot and pumpkin. Also, avoid seasoning your baby's food - he doesn't need extra salt or sugar in his food. Your baby's taste buds are more sensitive than our dulled adult ones, so he'll enjoy food that we may consider plain. And before you decide that your baby doesn't like a particular food, give him at least six tries of the new food. Many babies will reject a new flavour many times before deciding they actually like it. Find more tips on introducing solid food |
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