
torstai 13. lokakuuta 2011

49 weeks - baby’s first year update

Baby's First Year Kidspot

Welcome to week 49!

This Week Your Baby Is:

Playing beside his friends

While she's still a long way off from having a BFF, and even being able to share a toy in the sand-pit is a distant dream, your baby is beginning to enjoy playing alongside other children. While she's unable to interact with her peers in any meaningful way, and sharing is absolutely out of the question, she will find other children fascinating and may even want to pull their hair, or try a kiss and a cuddle (and even take a bite to see what they taste like). All this attention may not be tolerated by the receiver, so don't be surprised if these early baby interactions end in tears.

Find out how your baby's socialisation skills develop

Hot Topic:

Daytime sleep

Your baby is now in a lovely routine of two sleeps during the day - one mid-morning and another mid-afternoon. But you may find that during the next couple of weeks these sleeps start to slide later and later until his afternoon sleep is happening so late it's having an impact on your baby's bedtime routine - after all, how can you expect him to wake from a nap at 5pm and be back in bed for the night at 7pm?

Once this begins to happen you may want to consider either limiting the amount of time your baby naps for - perhaps restrict his afternoon nap to an hour - or try one sleep a day by giving him a very early lunch and then putting him straight to bed for a long nap in the early afternoon. Either way, your daytime routine may be in a state of flux for a couple of weeks so you'll need to be prepared to be flexible so your baby can still get the sleep he needs.

Discover how much sleep your baby needs each day

Kidspot Tip:


If you haven't discovered the joys of playgroup before now, find a group in your local area and join. Not only will you get to meet other mums who live near you with similarly aged children, but your baby will get more and more enjoyment from spending time with other children as he gets older. Playgroup also gives both of you the opportunity to try new ways of playing and interacting that aren't available at home. It's also a great place to find a network of sympathetic ears - you'll discover there's no problem you can't solve with a group of mums on the case.

Find a playgroup near you

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