Hot Topic: Introducing cow’s milk You may have chosen to introduce small amounts of cow's milk into your baby's diet over the last month or so through the introduction of cheese, yoghurt or custard, but it isn't until your baby is twelve months old that you can begin to offer her cow's milk to drink. You can now make the transition from formula to cow's milk, or begin offering cow's milk with solids while still maintaining your usual routine of breast feeding. Though it is fairly unusual, some babies do have an allergy to cow's milk (as opposed to being lactose intolerant). If you're at all concerned about your baby's ability to tolerate cow's milk, see your GP as soon as possible. The good news, though, is that children who are allergic to cow's milk generally outgrow this allergy by the time they're two years old. Discover the symptoms of cow's milk allergy

Kidspot Tip: Food allergies If you've been concerned that your baby is having a reaction to the food he's eating, you may have had it investigated by a paediatrician or dietician already. But for many parents struggling to unearth potential food problems in their children, understanding the difference between an allergy and intolerance is problematic. As you will discover, allergies and intolerances are two quite different things; a food allergy is a reaction in the immune system to the proteins found in particular food, whereas food intolerance is a pharmacological reaction (much like the side effects of a drug) to the chemicals in a particular food. Got more information about food allergies |
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