
keskiviikko 1. helmikuuta 2012

Immunisation facts & fiction, 10 habits to help you live longer + Microwave peach jam

Kidspot Daily
Thursday 2 February, 2012 Learn | Heal | Soothe



Vaccine myths and misinformation

A new survey highlights how confused parents are about vaccinations, even though 94 percent agree it stops disease spreading. This story sorts the immunisation facts from the fiction.

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Do bottles damage teeth?

Bottlefeeding potentially creates dental problems -- here's how to protect her from tooth decay and a whole lot of pain.

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10 habits to help you live longer

Do you floss your teeth? Discover 10 daily habits worth weaving into your life.


Monster box

Hundreds of fun, cool activities to keep kids busy - like making this tissue box monster. RAWR!

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