
keskiviikko 15. helmikuuta 2012

Just say 'ahhh' - GPs explained, Pelvic floor how-to + How my breasts saved my life

Kidspot Daily
Thursday 16 February, 2012 Learn | Heal | Soothe


GPs explained

Why doctors make kids say ahhhh!

Making kids say ahhhh, asking them to wee in a plastic cup and shining a torch in their eyes - we explain the tests and what the doctor is looking for.

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Daily beauty

Zippy make-up for mums

Beauty expert Zoe Foster shows you how to look fab in 10 minutes.

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Pelvic floor how-to

Why you need to keep your pelvic floor in shape before birth, after and for the long term. Here's how.



Chocolate is healthy!

How chocolate can reduce illness - and how it can help your sex life. Really.

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