Hot Topic: Growth Spurts While your baby will experience a growth spurt that lasts several days when he is 10 days, 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 12 weeks, 4 months and 6 months of age, it is often the 6 weeks growth spurt that new parents notice the most. It is at this time that the constant feeding and broken sleep make dealing with an unsettled baby the hardest. During a growth spurt your baby may become more fussy and unsettled than usual. Anything remotely resembling a sleeping and feeding pattern will go out the window and you may find yourself questioning your ability to comfort him. It's no coincidence that many nursing mothers abandon breastfeeding at this time - during a growth spurt your baby will want to feed longer and more often (some seem to want to stay on the breast 24/7). This constant feeding is your baby's way of ensuring that your milk supply will build to meet his growing needs. Growth spurts tend to last approximately 3 days, at which time your baby will reward you for your patience by sleeping well and becoming more alert during his awake time. You may even find that he develops new (and better!) patterns of sleeping and feeding.  Kidspot Tip: Surviving growth spurts Growth spurts are sent to try us! Try to get through these challenging days by doing whatever works for you and your baby. Don't be too ambitious about sticking to a routine - suspend normal activities and keep in mind that this is just a phase she's going through. |
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