Hot Topic: Play time At ten weeks, your baby is now alert enough to enjoy some active playtime each day. Aside from having some tummy time, going for a walk in the pram, enjoying a bath and hanging out with you or in his bouncer looking at mobiles, there are other ways to make the most of his playtime together. Try giving him an aeroplane - on your back with your legs bent in front of your chest, lift his tummy on to the fronts of your legs and then, while holding his hands, slowly and gently move your body around so that he's 'flying'. He'll love it! Or try propping him up on a pillow and then by holding his hands, gently pull him up into a sitting position and then lower him again. You can turn this into a game by singing a song as you take him through this sequence of movements.  Kidspot Tip: Age-appropriate toys In your enthusiasm to keep your baby from getting bored, don't get trapped into buying a house-load of toys that she won't be able to enjoy for months, or possibly even years. At birth, your baby needs no toys at all and for the first couple of months, her best toy will be you - your voice, your face and your arms. By Week Ten, your baby will be ready for rattles and other hand-held toys (keep them soft though so she doesn't hurt herself if she bonks her head with them) and she'll enjoy looking at mobiles and hanging toys. Buy essential baby toys |
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