Hot Topic: Music and your baby Just like an adult, your baby will enjoy a variety of styles of music depending on her mood and temperament. Try experimenting with different types of music to see what rocks your baby's boat. Most will respond to music with a strong rhythm - although it's probably best to avoid this type of music if you're trying to soothe or settle your baby to sleep! You may just find that your baby has unexpected musical tastes - it's not completely unknown for classical music enthusiasts to have a mini Led Zepplin fan in the house! There are also plenty of kids music CDs available to buy - although once the latest Hi-5 CD gets into your car stereo, you may rue the day you ever went down this road! Car trips will never be the same again…  Kidspot Tip: Nursery rhymes and songs your baby will love At this age, there's nothing your baby will enjoy more than an endless chorus of 'Sing a Song of Sixpence' (insert title of your nursery rhyme of choice here) - even if you're getting a little sick of it. Babies love and learn from repetition, so it's best to keep your repertoire small and try adding hand actions that you can do together (he'll love it if you guide his hands). Happily, your baby won't care if you're the best (or worst!) singer in the world - to him, it's all about the tone, the facial expressions, the actions and enjoying something together. Find nursery rhyme lyrics |
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