Hot Topic: Mouthing objects Now that your baby can hold toys in his hands, have you noticed how often (and how fast) they end up in his mouth? Is he hungry? Do the toys taste good? The mouth is a very sensitive area - there are more nerve endings per square millimetre than anywhere else in the body - and so your baby uses his mouth to learn more about the object he is trying to understand. His mouth can tell him more about the texture, shape or temperature of an object than his hands or eyes can. Mouthing toys also begins to teach your baby the oral skills he'll need later when he's learning to chew and swallow food and talk. It is important, though, to always be mindful of what your baby is putting in his mouth - most toys that are labelled 'not suitable for 3 years and under' have this labelling because of the choking risk they pose young children. Kidspot Tip: Your baby's first cold We all know that the common cold isn't serious but it can make you feel miserable and for your baby who has an immature immune system, being laid low with her first cold can take its toll on both her and you. Our best tips are: - Use a vaporiser in her room when she sleeps
- To minimise congestion at night, elevate one end of her cot so her head is higher than her body
- Keep her warm but don't overdress her
- Use paracetamol if she has a fever but try to avoid other over-the-counter cold remedies as these may just confuse her symptoms
- Give her 72 hours leave to be grizzly and miserable - she may not want to sleep or feed properly during this time
- If you are concerned, get her checked out by your GP
Find more information about baby colds |
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