Hot Topic: Bumps and bruises With your baby on the move, he'll inevitably take tumbles as he learns to negotiate the world. And with falls come bumps, bruises, scrapes and grazes - and if you're really unlucky, more serious injuries such as concussion, broken teeth and limbs, and deep gashes. While you can watch your baby like a hawk, accidents tend to happen in a split second in unlucky circumstances. So, with the unavoidable bumps and bruises just around the corner, it's a great idea to take a first aid course so that you're as prepared as you can possibly be when the first blood is spilt. Hopefully it'll be nothing more serious that a grazed knee, but the reality is that most children end up at A&E at least once in their young lives, and if you can assess the situation clearly and calmly then your child will quickly get the attention he needs. Learn about first-aid courses  Kidspot Tip: Be prepared How many of us have an up-to-date medical kit? While almost all of us could probably pull out at the very least a packet of band-aids, and some kind of antiseptic, beyond that, mmmm maybe not. Don't wait until your child has an accident (and there will many) before you realise that the first-aid kit is woefully inadequate. Sure, you don't need the equivalent of a triage station in your home, but gauze, bandages, tweezers, scissors and adhesive tape are just some of the basics that you should be able to immediately put your hands on in the event of a scrape. Just like the scouts, you should always be prepared! Buy a first aid kit |
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