Hot Topic: Learning to problem-solve Now that your baby has developed an understanding of object permanence, he can now begin to tackle basic problem-solving. Many toys aimed at this age group present simple spatial problems - how do you fit the small box inside the big box? - will teach your baby how to assess and then tackle a problem. These types of toys take immense concentration to master and you'll be surprised and impressed by how he applies himself to the task. Try to resist showing him how to do the activity before he's first had a go himself - although, if he's becoming frustrated, guide his hands through the motions so he can learn how to do it himself next time. Discover more ways your baby is learning to understand his world

Kidspot Tip: Biting With a couple of teeth in her mouth, your baby may quickly learn that she has a great game up her sleeve - biting. And from your reaction when she bites you, she'll probably think that you think it's a great game too! Whether it's an experimental or 'fun' bite, this is something you really want to discourage. If, and when, you get that first bite (it often comes unexpectedly during a breastfeed when you feel a chomp on your nipple) try to resist reacting strongly - a yelp and a jump looks like great fun - instead, say 'no' in a firm voice. High-pitched voices tend to communicate excitement, so the key to success is to keep your voice low and even. Find out more on why your baby bites |
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